Newshub has on many occasions shown political bias in the way it reports on topical issues, but this latest effort has brought the contempt the editors there have for balanced reporting out into the open. The poll was on whether Jacinda Ardern should run for a second term as Prime Minister of New Zealand, and the result was an astounding No.

Within hours of the Poll going live the entire page was pulled down by Newshub as the results showed a clear preference by respondents to not have Ms Ardern as an option for Prime Minister beyond 2020. As of writing the link to the articles returns a “404 Not Found” page, meaning that the page has been removed – however Google’s search engine keeps a cached copy of pages it finds so you can view that copy here.

We should all demand that media is impartial and that it reports only on the facts, leave the opinion-making up to the reader. Unfortunately the distinction between journalism and activism has been blurred in the age of social justice and click-bait, with agenda-driven opinions being presented as fact.